FESSH supports and their application deadlines
– By 15 October 2023 Travel Award:
The FESSH Travel Award (maximum of €4.000 per applicant) is for surgeons, both in training and established, to visit another Hand Centre in Europe with the purpose of furthering their knowledge of Hand Surgery. The applicant should be member in a national hand society which is a FESSH member.
The FESSH Travel Award is to be used for travel, accommodation and subsistence, to visit a single centre for a clinical activity. The award must be taken between 1 January and 31 December of the year subsequent to the award. The same person cannot get the Award within 5 years more than once.
– By 15 November 2023 Basic Research Grant:
The grant aims to encourage exploratory, translational or developmental research by providing support for the early and conceptual stages of new clinical approaches. Therefore, this grant is directed towards basic and translational science and novel ideas/techniques in hand surgery, rather than studies on clinical series of patients.
€10.000 award for a one-year grant.
– By 30 November 2023 Board Examination of Hand Surgery (EBHS Exam):
In Europe and elsewhere the training in hand surgery is sometimes fragmented, and not all countries have an official specialist exam in hand surgery, the EBHS diploma allows candidates to demonstrate that they have achieved a standard of knowledge and skill that reflects their training and achievement as specialist hand surgeons. The aim of the exam is to help promote and advance standards, knowledge and excellence in hand surgery.
Applying for the European Board of Hand Surgery Diploma Examination requires meeting strict conditions, such as submitting a log book completing all the questionnaires included. By rewieving the submitted documents, the FESSH Exam Committee can decide if the applicant fulfills these requirements. Basic criteria is a speciality in orthopeadics or plastic surgery and a minimum of 2 years activity in a hand surgery center. It is important to have a proper number of operations as operator or first assistant. Also it is expected to have a scientific activity and the recommendation of the national society for surgery of the hand.
– By 1 December 2023 PROMS Research Grant:
Since FESSH is a federation dedicated to the pan-European idea, we aim to enable all member countries to conduct clinical and basic research on the same level, to speak the same scientific language and to be able to compare their results in a valid way. Currently the basic hand assessment tools such as DASH, PRWE and MHQ are not available in all European languages – which is a pre-requisite for producing valid and comparable results in any field of research. Researcher groups can apply for €10.000€ each funded by the Foundation of Hand Surgery, to take over DASH, PRWE and the Michigan Hand Questionnaire translation studies for their countries.
– By 15 January 2024 Clinical Research Grant:
The grant aims to encourage clinical research projectsin the field of hand surgery. All clinical projects that are directed towards outcomes or assessment of treatment modalities in hand surgery related topics are welcome to apply. Well-designed prospective trials will be promoted.
€10,000 award for a one-year grant.