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14th IFSSH: EWAS Panel_SL Instabilities Grade III – Do we still need to open the wrist?

14th IFSSH: EWAS Panel_SL Instabilities Grade III - Do we still need to open the wrist?

Vorsitzende: Chairs Christophe Mathoulin (France), Andrew Chin Yuan Hui (Singapore), Terry L. Whipple (United States of America)

4070 – Historical Overview, Terry L. Whipple (United States of America)     

4099 – Forearm pronation: the best ally of the scapholunate joint stability. Mireia Esplugas (Spain)

4072 – Which is the role of the DCSS and does that change our understanding of SL? Christophe Mathoulin (France) 

4073 – Arthroscopic SL-Capsulodesis, is it a substitue to open procedures? Nicole Schmelzer-Schmied (Switzerland)   
