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DGH10 CMC-I-Osteoarthritis

DGH10 CMC-I-Osteoarthritis

Vorsitzende: Florian Goehtz (Bad Neustadt an der Saale), Jeffry Justin S.C. Koo (Hongkong), Elisabeth Haas-Lützenberger (München)

211 – Arthroscopy with mini tight-rope in treatment of CMC-1 OA
Koo Jeffrey Justin S. C. (Hongkong)
78 – Results of CMC-I-Osteoarthritis: comparing prosthesis and LRTI
Schlewitz Gudrun (Nürnberg)
28 – Long-term results after thumb basal joint endoprosthesis implantation
Schellhaas Elisabeth (Stendal), Wolter Stephan, Hedrich Tom, Benthien André, Krasnici Senat, Gätcke Fred
58 – New operative treatment options in CMC-I-Osteoarthritis
Habelt Susanne (St. Gallen), Grünert Jörg, Hainich Jörg
88 – Experiences with arthroplasty of the basal joint of the thumb. The“minihip” gains ground
Katerla Denise (Ravensburg), Schandl Rene, Wolters Roman, Krimmer Hermann
212 – Pyrocardan implant interposition in CMC-1 and STT joints
Bellemere Philippe (Nantes)